Individual Specialist Award – Royal Aeronautical Society Awards 2020

The Royal Aeronautical Society has been honouring outstanding achievers in the global aerospace industry for more than a century. Over the years, honouring aerospace achievers in this way has become an annual tradition. The Society’s Awards Programme recognises and celebrates the individuals and teams who have made an exceptional contribution to aerospace, whether it is for outstanding achievement, a major technical innovation, exceptional leadership, or for work that will further advance aerospace.
Awards categories include:
Honours – The world’s highest distinction for aerospace achievement awarded to those whose careers, leadership, and impact marks them out as among the most eminent, widely recognised, and influential aerospace professionals of their generation
RAeS Medals – Awarded for major contributions to the advancement of aerospace art, science, and engineering
Specialist Awards – The Society’s Specialist Awards recognise advances, innovation, excellence, and long or meritorious service that has had a significant impact within the discipline in advancing aerospace art, science, and engineering
Young Person’s Awards – The Society confers additional awards recognising achievements by young people, both individuals and teams
The Society’s Specialist Awards are conferred on individuals or teams working in a formally recognised or otherwise well-established professional discipline. The awards recognise advances, innovation, excellence and long or meritorious service that has had a significant impact within the discipline in advancing aerospace art, science, and engineering.
At the Royal Aeronautical Society Awards 2020, Skyrora’s Head of Engineering Dr Jack-James Marlow was awarded the ‘Individual Specialist Award’ for being responsible for the development of the fully 3D-printed lightweight 3.5kN rocket engine and, in turn, advancing the technological boundaries of astronautical engineering capabilities.