Skylark Nano has been featured in a fair share of headlines and news articles, leading to inquiries from universities and students looking to use Skylark Nano as a research vehicle to collect data about ambient conditions. Skylark Nano’s pre-launch and launch operations are simple to use.

- Diameter 0.102 M
- Propellant HTPB
- Lift-off mass 13.325 KG
- Payload mass UP TO 1 KG
- Maximum thrust 1 825 N (182.5 KG)
- Thrust 1 526 N (152.6 KG)
- ISP 181 s
- Total motor impulse 5 s
- Motor manufacturer CESARONI INC.
flight profile

launch site
If a launch site is unavailable to use, Skyrora can provide a mobile telemetry kit that will be set up as part of the launch site. There is also the potential for co-investment in equipment to allow for use of a future launch location.
The telemetry kit tests the key components of the launch infrastructure which will later be used for future launch vehicles. These key components include:
- Telemetry ground station
- Antenna and antenna mount
- Control computer (laptop PC) to communicate with the onboard systems