Hello and welcome! We hope this post finds you well!
Skyrora have created this page to help navigate your way towards all our STEM engagement activities. Skyrora have STEM engrained in our hearts and we have been engaging with the next generation as much as we can.
As our team is rapidly expanding, we now have a dedicated STEM team working together to produce innovative and engaging activities for all ages and we hope you find this content useful. Not only will we be posting online activities here, but we also plan to keep you updated with all the STEM events that we attend. As we all know, the current situation has changed everyone’s lives and all our thoughts go out to all of those going through these distressing times.
At Skyrora, we want to continue to keep kids and students occupied, inspired and engaged in the space industry. You might have already seen some online content on our social media pages but please stay tuned for many more materials coming your way. If you think you have any ideas on how you think we can improve or enhance our engagement with the younger generation, please get in touch. Enjoy our outreach page for now!