NRW.Global Business Award 2022

The NRW.Global Business Award is presented to companies who opt for North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany, as their business location. By doing so, award winning companies support the local economy, generate job opportunities, strengthen innovation impetus, and introduce new products to the state. From the outset, the NRW.Global Business Award has been given to an individual company or group of companies from their outstanding commitment to North Rhine-Westphalia and contribution to the economic growth and competitive advantage of the area.
With 400 guests in attendance, Skyrora is proud to have been honoured with the NRW.Global Business Award 2022 in celebration of our investments in 3D-printing in NRW. Skyrora is set to develop a highly innovative research and development centre in Paderborn, looking forward to benefitting from the expertise in aerospace engineering and research found in the area. This award was presented by a number of significant figures in government, business and commerce:
Ms. Mona Neubaur, Minister for Economy, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the Federal State North Rhine-Westphalia
Mr. Felix Neugart, CEO of NRW.Global Business
Ms. Petra Pigerl-Radtke, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry East Westphalia, Bielefeld
To watch more about this exciting achievement, click here.